Friday, August 24, 2012

mumbai meri jaan..............

a city where everything is possible
especially the impossible
where u first love and then marry
where there is a place for every tom dick and harry
where a telephone bill makes a person ill
where people cannot sleep without pills
where carbon dioxide is more than oxygen
where roads are treated like dustbins
where college canteens are full and classes are empty
where cycle reaches faster then a car
where everyone thinks he is a star
where skyscrapers overlook the slums 
where the houses collapse as the monsoon comes
where people first act and then think
where there is more water in pens then ink
where roads are like seasaws in monsoon
and the beggers get home soon
when roads are levelled when ministers arrive
where college admissions means hard cash
where cement is frequently mixed with ash
this is mumbai my dear
but dont forget just cheer
come to mumbai every year......................
                                                                  Akshaya pawar...............


  1. They call it a city that never sleeps,
    Dreams at large; everything in heaps
    Buzzing all the time, different people different cons,
    It got its roses and it got its thorns.bai mumbai.............. he neri jaan

  2. waaaaaahhhhhhhhhh wot a lines............

  3. waaaaaahhhhhhhhhh wot a lines............

  4. shevati ek mumbaikar ahe na ................jai maharashtra
